TeetotBlog — fantasy
Beyond Play: How Costume Dress-Up Supports Emotional Development
Childhood Development costume Education fantasy

In the world of a child, a simple costume can be the key to unlocking a universe of emotions and adventures. Picture this: amidst the laughter and chaos of play, there's a child donning a cape, declaring themselves the guardian of their imaginary realm. While it might look like just another day of play, there's something profound happening beneath the surface. Dress-up play, with its myriad of characters and scenarios, serves as a rich canvas for children to explore and express emotions, developing a deeper understanding of themselves and others. Every time a child steps into a new role, they...
6 Creative Gift Ideas for Your Little Princess
costume dressup fantasy Princess

We all have a little princess in our lives who can’t seem to get enough of dress up time. And we just can’t get enough of her enthusiasm for all things pretty and fantastical. This holiday season, get her a gift that will make playtime even better. Here are just a few of our favorite ideas: Porcelain Tea Set What’s better than a fairy princess tea party? Spare your own china and give one of these porcelain sets a try. Although porcelain can be fragile, these dishes are too small to break and tend to be safe for children. The...
5 Facts About the History and Origins of Fairies

We know fairies from movies and books as mythical, magical, and playful creatures, but where does their story come from? If your little one loves to dress like their favorite character in a fairy dress up costume, adding a little bit of historical knowledge can color fairy curiosity and playtime imagination. Here we’ll dive into the mythology and history behind fairies of folklore and modern culture. Fairies as we understand them originate from Pre-Christian and Pagan traditions, and could come in many different forms. Some were seen as sprite-like women with wings who were very sweet and angelic, like we traditionally...