The Popularity of the Cowgirl Costume

Little Cow Girl and her Dog

Is your child asking for a cowgirl costume to dress up in? Well, she certainly is not alone! The following is a look at why our cowgirl costume has become so popular and why your family should embrace this dress-up trend.

The Massive Popularity of Cowboys & Cowgirls

The era of the Wild West will always be popular, just as it has for many years for children across entertainment avenues. This is evident in television and movies, from Jessie in Toy Story to today's highly popular children's show called Sheriff Callie's Wild West. There is also the chart-topping, cowboy-based Old Town Road by rapper Lil Nas X. Many more great western-based entertainment avenues for children have come out before and will in years to come.

Why Wild West Dress-Up Play Remains Popular

So what is it that makes the old days of the wild so popular as to continue on in pop culture? What is it about this day that makes girls and boys everywhere want to dress up in a cowboy or cowgirl costume? Well, we think there are a couple of great reasons that include:

  • Verifiable heroes. We all love heroes, but kids have a special fondness for heroes and the sheriffs and deputies of the Wild West were certainly that. These were people who risked their life and limb to protect their communities. It was a violent era, an era where heroes were more important than ever, and as such, we still look back and rightly idealize those who brought order to their communities.
  • Adventures & explorers. In addition to holding up the law, cowboys and cowgirls were known as adventurers. They explored lands previously unwritten on their maps. Your little girl might want to dress up as a cowgirl because she really loves this idea of going out and exploring. Embrace it! Adventurousness and curiosity are two fantastic traits to nurture in young kids.
  • Animals involved. While no, not every kid loves animals, quite a few do. With cowboys and cowgirls, animals are an inherent part of the play. You have the obvious horse that is the compatriot, but also there are the cows and sheep that need to be rounded up, and the faithful dog that helps them complete their jobs. If your child loves animals, then it's a good chance she'll be interested in a cowgirl costume.

Get Your Child a Cowgirl Costume

Has your child been asking for a cowgirl costume? Contact us today to learn more about these and other fantastic costumes for children.

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